Health, Safety & Wellbeing

Health, Safety & Wellbeing
Health, Safety and Wellbeing Plan
R&W has been growing sustainably over the last 30 years and is renowned for its self-delivery and family ethos. Our Health, Safety and Wellbeing Plan is driven by our moral, legal, economic and social sense of responsibility and demonstrates our company values, caring about employees, supply chain and others who engage with us each day.
We continue to develop a vibrant, industry leading workforce within a safe, secure and healthy environment.
The R&W Way philosophy champions safety, which is essential in everything we do. We aim to conduct our activities in a proactive way at all times, preventing injury and ill health to our employees, supply chain partners and all those affected by our work.
Our focus on wellbeing and maintaining good levels of physical and mental health helps make sure everyone is healthy, with a high level of satisfaction at the end of each day.
Health, Safety & Wellbeing
R&W Culture
In order to underpin the R&W Way, our Health, Safety and Wellbeing Plan helps to engage all staff and their representatives to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our health and safety management system.
This supports a safer and healthier work environment for all those engaging with us, and encourages and enables a positive, sustainable, safety culture to continually improve performance.
R&W believe that supporting staff to be open and honest about mistakes will allow valuable lessons to be learnt so the same errors can be prevented from being repeated. Our Just Culture toolkit supports interactions between teams and helps establish effective and fair corrective actions.

Health, Safety & Wellbeing
Fatal risks
R&W processes and procedures cover everything we do from the planning phase of a project to a range of safe working practices. Processes are designed with industry best practice, legislation and performance trends in mind, they help us manage our fatal risks.
Health, Safety & Wellbeing
Mental Health
R&W are committed to sustaining and improving the mental health of our employees and everyone we work with. For many of our team, work is a major part of their lives and we encourage all employees to start small conversations about mental health and support each other as much as we can.
Within the R&W Group we have trained Mental Health First Aiders supporting our teams and we are a member of Mates in Mind, a leading mental health charity. We use Mates in Mind resources to support and train our Mental Health First Aiders and wider teams in promoting good mental health and supporting each other.
We facilitate several other employee activities and events to support and promote wellbeing and increase satisfaction. In addition to reward and recognition through Employee of the Month awards, we provide staff with two additional days leave to volunteer in the community. R&W ReWards incorporates a benefits programme unique to R&W and we also support and promote employee-instigated activities such as running events, and Christmas present appeals.
‘The R&W Way’ online provides all staff, supply chain partners and clients with access to mental health support and advice. If any of these resources would be beneficial to you, please get in touch.