Improvements, new carriageways, foot and cycle paths, we deliver the projects necessary to keep road users on the move.

Proactive, planned maintainance and upgrades to the existing road network on behalf of both National Highways and local authorities.
We deliver the vital upgrades and safety enahncements needed to keep road users on the move across the UK, safely, on time and on budget.
New Carriage Ways
New carriage ways, or road dualling, are integral elements of transport link upgrades across the UK, designed to improve access and reduce journey times.
Octavius delivers both single and dual carriage ways for it’s customers, ensuring that their needs and those of the travelling public and local communities, are met.

Junction Improvements
We work closely with our customers and our design partners to deliver safety/environmental/accessibility improvements to road junctions for the benefit of drivers and pedestrians alike.
These include separating long distance and local traffic, reducing both journey times and local pollution.
Slip Roads
Slip roads are an integral part of our transport network, allowing drivers to safely join or leave a main road.
Octavius delivers new slip roads and existing slip road enhancements for National Highways and local authorities.

Pedestrian facilities are as important an element of the road network as the carriage ways themselves.
At Octavius we deliver new footpaths, rebuilds and refurbishments across urban environments.
Cycle Ways
There are many advantages to expanding the UK’s network of safe cycling routes. There are also many practical challenges that an organisation, like Octavius with experience of multi-modal infrastructure projects can help overcome.
There are many advantages to expanding the UK’s network of safe cycling routes. There are also many practical challenges that an organisation, like Octavius with experience of multi-modal infrastructure projects can help overcome.
Achieving a network of urban cycle routes that are well-used means making them a natural and easy choice. They must reflect the journeys people want to make and they must follow the routes they want to take.
The easiest route to build will not necessarily be the one that people need or would choose to use. It might not be the most effective way to integrate safe cycling with other modes of transport.
To make urban cycle routes a fully connected and safe network they sometimes must cross highways or rail lines. Octavius has executed many projects that involve manufacturing bridges and overpasses offsite and installing them during off-peak times within tightly controlled time-windows.
Where needed, we use mock-ups and test installations to refine our methods. This ensures that each project proceeds smoothly and is completed on or ahead of schedule.