August 2023 Highways update
Welcome to the latest update from Highways, which sets out to share key updates and lookaheads of what is going on in the business. It’s fantastic to be able to showcase some of our collective highlights and challenges from the last quarter. When I was appointed Managing Director, Highways, in January I knew the business…
Octavius secures a place on COFA 3
Following a comprehensive, year-long procurement process, leading transport solutions provider Octavius has been awarded a place on Connect Plus’s Call-Off Framework Agreement (COFA) 3 to deliver improvements across the M25. COFA 3 is the third-generation framework for Connect Plus, who manage and maintain the M25 motorway and all associated arterial link roads on behalf of…
Octavius appointed to YORcivil3 framework
Leading transport solutions provider Octavius Infrastructure has been awarded places on the new YORcivil3 framework to deliver civil engineering works, bridges/structure works, highway surfacing works, flood alleviation works and coastal works for public sector organisations across the Yorkshire and Humber region. Following a competitive tendering process, Octavius has won places in both areas of Lot 3 of…
R&W Civil Engineering becomes part of Octavius
Today, leading transport infrastructure provider Octavius Infrastructure Ltd (Octavius) completed the purchase of the business assets and most of the customer contracts of R&W Civil Engineering Limited and R&W Limited (R&W). This move marks a significant milestone for both companies and reinforces Octavius’s commitment to growth and market leadership. Completed following detailed negotiations and extensive…
June 2023 Rail update
Welcome to the first update from Rail, which sets out to share key updates and lookaheads of what is going on in the business. It’s fantastic to be able to showcase some of our collective highlights and challenges from the last quarter. “I am tremendously proud of the projects we deliver, but even more so…
Ryde Pier Head Station reopened with trains once more running along the pier
Today, Monday 10 July, saw the Ryde Pier Head Station reopen to trains for the first time since last October, after significant work was completed. The railway pier extends into the Solent and provides a link to the Isle of Wight ferries. The 143-year-old, 686-metre-long structure has been undergoing a programme of heavy maintenance and renewal to…
May 2023 One Team Wessex Update
Welcome to our latest quarterly update which sets out to share key updates and lookaheads. It’s fantastic to be able to showcase some of our collective highlights and challenges from the last quarter. What is One Team Wessex?One Team Wessex (OTW) is the collaborative relationship between Network Rail and Octavius Infrastructure. Together we deliver infrastructure…
Octavius appointed to deliver the Broad Street regeneration scheme in Cambridgeshire
Leading transport infrastructure provider Octavius has been appointed to deliver the Broad Street regeneration scheme in March, Cambridgeshire. As part of Cambridgeshire County Council’s March Area Transport Strategy (MATS), and with funding from the Government’s Future High Streets Fund awarded to Fenland District Council and the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Combined Authority, the project will transform the…
PERI good use of modern methods to stabilise scaffolding
Our team at Chelmsford are making great progress constructing a new conveyor bridge for Essex County Council, which includes constructing two abutments, and have recently begun installing shutters to the formwork. Having a stable foundation is extremely important for a large project like this, to ensure our project is as successful as possible our team…
Modernising life expired signalling systems between Farncombe to Petersfield (F2P)
Octavius is hard at work on the Farncombe to Petersfield (F2P) re-signalling programme, part of the Portsmouth Upgrade Scheme to renew and place life expired signalling systems that were originally installed in the 1970s. After successfully and safely delivering the first phase of the scheme between 2020-2023, Octavius is Network Rail’s principal contractor delivering the £10 million…
Works begin on Waterloo Station’s 100-year-old roof
Leading transport infrastructure provider Octavius have started works to revitalise the iconic roof at Waterloo Station, the UK’s busiest train station. Glazing will be renewed on both the main Concourse and Porte Cochere (the covered passageway over the entrance of the station) roofs as part of Network Rail’s wider programme of enhancement works in the station. …
April 2023 Highways update
Welcome to the first quarterly newsletter from Highways, which sets out to share key updates and lookaheads of what is going on in the business. It’s fantastic to be able to showcase some of our collective highlights and challenges from the last quarter. “Since taking the position of Managing Director I had a strong feeling…