Full steam ahead! Octavius helps upgrade and maintain Hollycombe Steam

As part of our commitment to community projects, the Octavius Rail Electrification and Plant team have been working hard this year with Hollycombe Steam in Hampshire. Hollycombe is one of Britain’s largest collections of steam-based machinery, offering visitors a nostalgic look at how the Victorians and Edwardians used steam as an instrument of work and play. Hollycombe…
A New Era For Rail Renewals Delivery

Much has been written in recent years about the value that could be derived from greater collaboration and better integration in rail infrastructure renewal programmes. Well, now it’s happening – and Octavius is proud to be a part of it. Network Rail’s Southern region Southern Renewals Enterprise (SRE) represents a radical departure from traditional ways…
Octavius Appointed to Eastern Routes Partnership (ERP) Framework for Network Rail Eastern

Leading transport solutions provider, Octavius Infrastructure has been successfully appointed to the Eastern Routes Partnership (ERP) Framework for Network Rail Eastern Region for CP7. The Eastern Routes Partnership Framework aligns delivery partners to work collaboratively to deliver works in Buildings and Civils, Signalling and Telecoms, Distribution and Plant, and Contact Systems. Octavius has secured a place…
Delivering Social Value – Focus On Education Engagement

Social value has many facets. What unites all social value initiatives is the importance of doing them well. In other words: ‘We didn’t just tick the box – we made a real difference.’ Making a difference is where the value lies, for the communities we work in, and for our team members who take part….
Octavius Infrastructure Secures Key Contract in Network Rail’s North West and Central Region for CP7 (2024-2029)

Octavius Infrastructure is delighted to announce it has been appointed by Network Rail to the North-West and Central (NW&C) Capital Delivery Framework for Major Projects for Control Period 7. They have secured a place on Lot A2, covering multi-discipline projects valued between £7 million and £50 million, encompassing building, civils and railway engineering. “This…
Celebrating International Women’s Day

Interview: Hildha Hidzir Assistant Quantity Surveyor (Rail E&P) On March 8th, we were proud to celebrate International Women’s Day. But celebrating the success of women is about more than one day. We should consistently recognise women’s contributions, amplifying their voices, and demanding action for a world where gender inequality is unfortunately still a reality. To…
Octavius Regional Civil Engineering shaping up for a prompt Somerset New Assets Framework Start

The Octavius Regional Civil Engineering (RCE) team are busy behind the scenes getting themselves match fit ready to kick off their new Somerset County Council New Assets Framework next month. The Octavius team will deliver highway improvement schemes, including safety and traffic calming measures, infrastructure associated with active travel, electric vehicles, public transport, and mobility…
Octavius Joins Fight to “Stamp It Out,” Supporting Campaign Against Highway Worker Abuse

Octavius, a leading transport infrastructure provider, this week announced that the company has signed up to support the first country-wide Respect Our Workforce Week, including the ‘Stamp It Out’ Campaign, aimed at eradicating the abuse of public-facing workers, including those that work on the public highway. Respect Our Workforce Week, from the 11th-15th March 2024,…
Tackling the Scourge of Highways Incursions

Ensuring that our teams go home unharmed after every shift has always been a priority for our business. We’ve made great strides in embedding a safety-first culture but we’re conscious that there’s always more to do. In this respect, highways incursions remain a significant issue across the industry. Since October 2017 and up to the…
A Sustainability Wish-List For Car Park Construction

If you had to choose your top three sustainability criteria for a new car park, what would they be? Priority number one would probably be to reduce the environmental impact of the construction works. This impact is reflected in vehicle movements, disruption in and around the construction site, and the level of embodied carbon in…
2023, out with the old and in with something much more exciting

Octavius Regional Civil Engineering Delivery Director Chris Ellis reflects on the transition from an extraordinary challenging 2023 into a new, exciting, action and investment packed 2024. Chris starts by saying I am not going to say an awful lot about 2023. It was an incredibly difficult time for all our people. It is often when a…
Octavius Regional Civil Engineering – Leadership Team Appointments

The acquisition, and subsequent progression of R&W Civil Engineering Limited into Octavius Regional Civil Engineering (ORCE), brought with it an extremely strong team at all levels. Part of the ongoing integration involves aligning key members of the existing R&W Civil Engineering management team into strategic roles within ORCE to maintain the R&W solid leadership legacy….